Returns a set of users that this user follows.
...args: [opts?: NDKSubscriptionOptions, outbox?: boolean, kind: number]Readonly
relayGet the user's hexpubkey
The user's hexpubkey
Use pubkey
Set the user's hexpubkey
{Hexpubkey} The user's hexpubkey
Use pubkey
Get the user's pubkey
The user's pubkey
Set the user's pubkey
{string} The user's pubkey
Fetch a user's profile
opts: NDKSubscriptionOptions{NDKSubscriptionOptions} A set of NDKSubscriptionOptions
User Profile
Validate a user's NIP-05 identifier (usually fetched from their kind:0 profile data)
The NIP-05 string to validate
True if the NIP-05 is found and matches this user's pubkey, False if the NIP-05 is found but doesn't match this user's pubkey, null if the NIP-05 isn't found on the domain or we're unable to verify (because of network issues, etc.)
fromInstantiate an NDKUser from a NIP-05 string
{string} The user's NIP-05
ndk: default{NDK} An NDK instance
{boolean} Whether to skip the cache or not
An NDKUser if one is found for the given NIP-05, undefined otherwise.
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a pubkey.