Class NDKSubscriptionStart

Represents a subscription start event.




content: string = ""
created_at?: number
decrypt: ((...args: [sender?: NDKUser, signer?: NDKSigner]) => Promise<void>) = ...

Type declaration

encode: ((...args: []) => `nevent1${string}` | `naddr1${string}` | `note1${string}`) = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args: []): `nevent1${string}` | `naddr1${string}` | `note1${string}`
    • Encodes a bech32 id.


      • Rest ...args: []

      Returns `nevent1${string}` | `naddr1${string}` | `note1${string}`

      • Encoded naddr, note or nevent.
encrypt: ((...args: [recipient?: NDKUser, signer?: NDKSigner]) => Promise<void>) = ...

Type declaration

id: string = ""
isEphemeral: ((...args: []) => boolean) = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args: []): boolean
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: []

      Returns boolean

isParamReplaceable: ((...args: []) => boolean) = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args: []): boolean
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: []

      Returns boolean

isReplaceable: ((...args: []) => boolean) = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args: []): boolean
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: []

      Returns boolean

kind?: number
ndk?: default
onRelays: NDKRelay[] = []

The relays that this event was received from and/or successfully published to.

pubkey: string = ""
relay: undefined | NDKRelay

The relay that this event was first received from.

repost: ((...args: [publish: boolean, signer?: NDKSigner]) => Promise<NDKEvent>) = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args: [publish: boolean, signer?: NDKSigner]): Promise<NDKEvent>
    • NIP-18 reposting event.


      • Rest ...args: [publish: boolean, signer?: NDKSigner]

      Returns Promise<NDKEvent>

      The reposted event


sig?: string
tags: NDKTag[] = []


  • get alt(): undefined | string
  • Gets the NIP-31 "alt" tag of the event.

    Returns undefined | string

  • set alt(alt: undefined | string): void
  • Sets the NIP-31 "alt" tag of the event. Use this to set an alt tag so clients that don't handle a particular event kind can display something useful for users.


    • alt: undefined | string

    Returns void

  • get dTag(): undefined | string
  • Gets the NIP-33 "d" tag of the event.

    Returns undefined | string

  • set dTag(value: undefined | string): void
  • Sets the NIP-33 "d" tag of the event.


    • value: undefined | string

    Returns void

  • get isValid(): boolean
  • Checks whether the event is valid per underlying NIPs.

    This method is meant to be overridden by subclasses that implement specific NIPs to allow the enforcement of NIP-specific validation rules.

    Returns boolean


  • Provides a deduplication key for the event.

    For kinds 0, 3, 10k-20k this will be the event : For kinds 30k-40k this will be the event :: For all other kinds this will be the event id

    Returns string

  • Generates a deletion event of the current event


    • Optional reason: string

      The reason for the deletion

    • publish: boolean = true

      Whether to publish the deletion event automatically

    Returns Promise<NDKEvent>

    The deletion event

  • Provides the filter that will return matching events for this event.

    Returns NDKFilter

    The filter that will return matching events for this event


    event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 30000, pubkey: 'pubkey', tags: [ ["d", "d-code"] ] });
    event.filter(); // { "#a": ["30000:pubkey:d-code"] }


    event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 1, pubkey: 'pubkey', id: "eventid" });
    event.filter(); // { "#e": ["eventid"] }
  • Generates tags for users, notes, and other events tagged in content. Will also generate random "d" tag for parameterized replaceable events where needed.

    Returns Promise<ContentTag>

    The tags and content of the event.

  • Attempt to sign and then publish an NDKEvent to a given relaySet. If no relaySet is provided, the relaySet will be calculated by NDK.


    • Optional relaySet: NDKRelaySet

      {NDKRelaySet} The relaySet to publish the even to.

    • Optional timeoutMs: number

    Returns Promise<Set<NDKRelay>>

    A promise that resolves to the relays the event was published to.

  • Get the tags that can be used to reference this event from another event


    • Optional marker: string

      The marker to use in the tag

    • Optional skipAuthorTag: boolean

    Returns NDKTag[]

    The NDKTag object referencing this event


    event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 30000, pubkey: 'pubkey', tags: [ ["d", "d-code"] ] });
    event.referenceTags(); // [["a", "30000:pubkey:d-code"], ["e", "parent-id"]]

    event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 1, pubkey: 'pubkey', id: "eventid" });
    event.referenceTags(); // [["e", "parent-id"]]
  • Remove all tags with the given name (e.g. "d", "a", "p")


    • tagName: string

      Tag name to search for and remove

    Returns void

  • Returns the "d" tag of a parameterized replaceable event or throws an error if the event isn't a parameterized replaceable event.

    Returns string

    the "d" tag of the event.

  • Sign the event if a signer is present.

    It will generate tags. Repleacable events will have their created_at field set to the current time.


    • Optional signer: NDKSigner

      {NDKSigner} The NDKSigner to use to sign the event

    Returns Promise<string>

    A Promise that resolves to the signature of the signed event.

  • Tag a user with an optional marker.


    • user: NDKUser

      The user to tag.

    • Optional marker: string

      The marker to use in the tag.

    Returns void

  • Tag a user with an optional marker.


    • user: NDKUser

      The user to tag.

    • Optional marker: string

      The marker to use in the tag.

    Returns void

  • Tag a user with an optional marker.


    • event: NDKEvent

      The event to tag.

    • Optional marker: string

      The marker to use in the tag.

    • Optional skipAuthorTag: boolean

      Whether to explicitly skip adding the author tag of the event.

    Returns void


    reply.tag(opEvent, "reply");
    // reply.tags => [["e", <id>, <relay>, "reply"]]
  • Returns the id of the event or, if it's a parameterized event, the generated id of the event using "d" tag, pubkey, and kind.

    Returns string

    The id

  • Get the tag that can be used to reference this event from another event.

    Consider using referenceTags() instead (unless you have a good reason to use this)


    • Optional marker: string

    Returns NDKTag

    The NDKTag object referencing this event


    event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 30000, pubkey: 'pubkey', tags: [ ["d", "d-code"] ] });
    event.tagReference(); // ["a", "30000:pubkey:d-code"]

    event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 1, pubkey: 'pubkey', id: "eventid" });
    event.tagReference(); // ["e", "eventid"]
  • Get the first tag with the given name


    • tagName: string

      Tag name to search for

    Returns undefined | string

    The value of the first tag with the given name, or undefined if no such tag exists

  • Return a NostrEvent object, trying to fill in missing fields when possible, adding tags when necessary.


    • Optional pubkey: string

      {string} The pubkey of the user who the event belongs to.

    Returns Promise<NostrEvent>

    A promise that resolves to a NostrEvent.

  • Create a zap request for an existing event


    • amount: number

      The amount to zap in millisatoshis

    • Optional comment: string

      A comment to add to the zap request

    • Optional extraTags: NDKTag[]

      Extra tags to add to the zap request

    • Optional recipient: NDKUser

      The zap recipient (optional for events)

    • Optional signer: NDKSigner

      The signer to use (will default to the NDK instance's signer)

    Returns Promise<null | string>

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